Rich Tehrani Info

Group Editor-in-Chief, TMC

Rich Tehrani, currently CEO and group editor-in-chief, has led TMC in many capacities since 1982. Rich Tehrani is also a Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) industry expert, visionary, author and columnist. Rich founded the leading magazine focused on VoIP in 1998 and, in his role as president of TMC, is the owner of the registered trademark for the term Internet Telephony. Rich is also the founder and chairman of INTERNET TELEPHONY® Conference & EXPO, THE leading conference focused on VoIP since its launch in 1999. Rich holds a computer engineering degree from The University of Connecticut. For his full bio, please visit

Latest Articles

Albany County Faces Potential Cyberattack - 05/26/2024
How the Ascension Cyberattack is Disrupting Care at Hospitals - 05/24/2024
SEC Strengthens Data Breach Notification Rules for Financial Firms - 05/17/2024
New York Takes Action on Cybersecurity with New Legislation and Initiatives - 05/17/2024
Why Iran May Be the Most Likely to Launch a Destructive Cyberattack on the US - 05/10/2024
AI-Connect by A Leap Forward in AI-Assisted Customer Interactions - 05/08/2024
David Erickson Hopes to Revolutionize Communications with Phound - 05/06/2024
Ransomware Payment Ban is Potentially Catastrophic Cybersecurity News for Your Organization - 04/17/2024
The Escalating Cybersecurity Landscape: Recent Incidents and Their Impact - 04/16/2024
Palo Alto Networks Discloses Critical Zero-Day Exploit in VPN Product - 04/12/2024
10 Reasons to Attend MSP Expo - 08/07/2023
SIPPIO Voice-Enables Microsoft Teams With Speed and Agility - 06/02/2021
Replicating Human Interaction with Guided CX - 04/27/2021
3 Major 2021 New York Cybersecurity Updates - 01/17/2021
We Sadly Predicted the US Nuclear Breach 2 Weeks Ago - 12/17/2020
56% Surveyed, Hit with Ransomware. Now, Hackers Are Calling Their Victims! - 12/06/2020
10 Major Cybersecurity Predictions for 2021 - 12/03/2020
East Coast Vs. West Coast: Who is Losing More to Cybercrime? - 10/19/2020
The Devastating Effects of Ransomware, now Extortionware - 09/29/2020
Fines Cost First American Financial at least $2B! Meet DFS Cybersecurity Regulation, Part 500 of Title 23 - 09/25/2020
Ransomware Stops Hartford, Connecticut Schools from Opening - 09/08/2020
Tesla Was Almost Hacked; You'll Never Guess What Saved Them - 08/28/2020
Foreign Governments are Hacking our Universities, Think Tanks and U.S. Government Contractors - 08/21/2020
A High School Student Successfully Hacked Twitter; It Could Have Been Your Company - 07/31/2020
First American Faces Potential $885 Billion Fine for Lax Cybersecurity! - 07/24/2020
SUNY Erie Community College Hit by Ransomware - 07/24/2020
A Major Cloud Company had to pay a Ransom and Your Company will too - 07/20/2020
Russian Cosmic Lynx BEC Gang Marks a Hacker Turning Point - 07/07/2020
New Web Skimmer Steals Credit Cards via Image Files - 07/06/2020
Michigan State University Hacked, Likely by the new Ransomware Affiliate program we Reported on - 06/01/2020
How Business Needs to Prepare for the Escalating Iranian Cyber War - 05/19/2020
Ransomware Evolved to Extortionware and Now Has an Affiliate Program - 05/15/2020
April Cognizant Ransomware Attack Cost Over $50M So Far - 05/08/2020
Ransomware Payment Amount Increases by 33% As Pandemic Begins - 05/01/2020
Avoid a Hack Compounding Covid-19 Business Stoppage - 04/10/2020
The Takeaway from Marriott's Second Major Breach in Just Over a Year - 03/31/2020
Covid-19 Coronavirus Scams to be Aware of - 03/23/2020
The Coronavirus Hacking Threat is Greater than Imagined - 03/19/2020
Top 5 Wuhan CoronaVirus Teleworking Tech Tips - 03/12/2020
10 Hospital and Healthcare Cybersecurity Best Practices - 03/04/2020
Phishing Scam Causes TV Star Barbara Corcoran to go from Shark Tank to Biggest Loser - 02/27/2020
What New York Companies need to Know About RSA, The World's Largest Cybersecurity Show - 02/25/2020
E-Mail Scams $2.6M from Puerto Rico: How to Protect Yourself - 02/16/2020
Complete Guide to the New York Shield Act - 02/06/2020
NEC Confirms Zero-Day Security Breach; How it Might Have Been Prevented - 02/01/2020
How to Protect Healthcare Organizations from Recent Phishing Threats - 01/31/2020
How to Protect Against the Iranian APT34 Spear-Phishing Threat - 01/30/2020
SEC Publishes Cybersecurity Observations - 01/28/2020
Ransomware is now Extortionware - 01/24/2020
What Companies Can Learn from the Bezos Hack - 01/23/2020
Fedex Text Scam Gets National Attention. What About the Other Scams? - 01/23/2020
New Cybersecurity Best Practices Needed after Learning Apple is not Encrypting iCloud Backups - 01/21/2020
Manhattan Tech Support: Could an Outsourced Solution Have Stopped this New York Hospital Hack? - 01/21/2020
Choose a Cybersecurity Tech Support Provider to Protect you From Iran and other Hackers - 01/17/2020
Aculab Helps IPI Reduce Call Center Identity Verification Time from 38 to 5 Seconds - 01/15/2020
$710,000 Scam hit Nassau County, NY Government - 01/13/2020
Texas gets 10,000 Potential Cybersecurity Threats a Minute from Iran. How many do you get? - 01/10/2020
How to Prepare for Potential Iranian Cyberattacks on Your Company - 01/04/2020
Some Travelex Servers are Down; Ransomware is the Likely Culprit - 01/02/2020
Top 10 Year-End Cybersecurity Stories for 2019 - 12/24/2019
How the Recent Leak of 267 Million Facebook Users Could Hurt Every Business - 12/22/2019
After $1M Loss and State of Emergency, New Orleans Will Invest in Cybersecurity - 12/20/2019
New Orleans Still in State of Emergency after Ransomware - 12/16/2019
Cyberattack Causes New Orleans State of Emergency; How to Prevent Them - 12/14/2019
Small Businesses Being Targeted by Holiday Phishing Messages - 12/13/2019
Cybersecurity Flaws Found in New York Water System - 12/08/2019
Evil Corp. is a Hacking Heavyweight Having Hacked over $100M! - 12/06/2019
Shock! 71% of Businesses Hand Over their Credentials to Phishing E-mails - 12/01/2019
Attention Businesses: Bomb Cyclones are the new Reality - 11/27/2019
Another Healthcare Provider Gets Breached:Great Plains Health - 11/27/2019
Livingston, New Jersey Schools Hit with Ransomware - 11/26/2019
Stopping an Insider Hack like this one from Trend Micro - 11/24/2019
Louisiana Government Computers Hit With Ransomware During Election - 11/18/2019
A Company Was Just hit with a $5M Ransomware Attack - 11/18/2019
Cybersecurity: The U.S. Government Can Fine You For Paying Ransoms - 11/11/2019
New York Firm Sells Chinese Tech with Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities to U.S. Military - 11/10/2019
Latest Cybersecurity Problems: Full Employment, 5G, Wall Street and Insider Threats - 11/08/2019
How the Growth in Managed Security Services is Killing Internal Efforts - 11/05/2019
New York Businesses Sought for DHS Cybersecurity Survey - 10/28/2019
Cybersecurity: Why Business Can't Wait for Government to Help - 10/27/2019
17 Huge Ways Technology is Changing Business - 10/25/2019
Methodist Hospitals Hacked! 68K Records Possibly Leaked - 10/09/2019
A New York University gets Cybersecurity Pilot Program Thanks to Chuck Schumer - 10/09/2019
$1.5M Phillip Capital Cybersecurity Fine Rings Manhattan Warning Bells - 10/07/2019
Hacked New York Companies Increasingly at Risk of State Penalties - 10/05/2019
FBI Issues Ransomware Alert! - 10/04/2019
DHS Warning: Hackers Exploiting Palo Alto Networks, Fortinet and Pulse Secure VPNs - 10/04/2019
U.S. and Australian Hospitals Paralyzed by Ransomware - 10/01/2019
Dunkin Donuts Sued by NY AG for Hack, Fraud and Deceit - 09/27/2019
Exclusive Infographic: MS-ISAC Security Event Primer on Malware - 09/23/2019
Hey New York, Is it safe to Use Subway WiFi? Probably Not - 09/17/2019
Romney, Napolitano Express Concern About Cybersecurity in NYC Homeland Security Hearing - 09/11/2019
Congressman Says New York Cyberattacks Are Like Pre-9/11 Warnings We Ignored - 09/07/2019
Homeland Security Warns Companies About Ransomware - 09/06/2019
What is Ransomware? - 08/28/2019
Schools, Government, Healthcare Under Cyber Attack by China and Others - 08/26/2019
NY Shield Act Goes Global: What You Need to Know - 08/24/2019
New IRS Email Scam Puts Companies at Risk - 08/24/2019
While we Reported on Ransomware Horrors - Yet Another Was Attacked! - 08/20/2019
How to Avoid Password Spraying Attacks - 08/13/2019
How to Prevent Ransomware - 08/12/2019
Edify Labs Revolutionizes the Contact Center - 08/12/2019
Hackers and Nations Are Releasing Destructive Malware [Infographic] - 08/12/2019
Protect Your Company Against The New York Shield Act and Save $250,000 - 07/29/2019
Ransomware Causes State Emergency in Louisiana - 07/26/2019
Tax Preparer Guide to Cybersecurity - 07/24/2019
Small Business Data Breaches Cost $2.5M on Average! - 07/23/2019
Report: State Election Cybersecurity is a Mess - 07/19/2019
Virtual Instruments AIOps Tackles Data Center Scale Which Exceeds Human Understanding - 07/17/2019
The Future of Work is a $3.5 Trillion Arbitrage Opportunity - 07/15/2019
Monroe College Hit With Ransomware and it's Bad! - 07/13/2019
GDPR Pain! Marriott Fined $123M, UK has Fined $350M in 2 days! - 07/09/2019
British Airlines is Facing $229M Fine - Could This Happen to Your Company? - 07/08/2019
Government Warning: Iranian APT33 Hackers Are Targeting the U.S. - 07/04/2019
Huge New Iranian Cyber Threat to U.S. Companies - 06/23/2019
Breaches Cost The U.S. $1.6+ Trillion! These Tips Could Keep You Safe - 06/20/2019
What Business Can Learn From This Darien, Connecticut Police Warning - 06/14/2019
Evernote Flaw is a Social Engineering Goldmine - 06/14/2019
Political Campaign Cybersecurity - 06/08/2019
Baltimore is Losing Millions to Ransomware, Your Business Can't Afford to - 06/06/2019
First Coordinated HIPAA Lawsuit Yields $900K Fine - 05/31/2019
Checkers PoS System Hacked, Credit Card Info Stolen - 05/30/2019
Equifax Breach Cost $1.4 Billion! Caused Moody's Downgrade - 05/29/2019
Cybersecurity Essentials for Every Business - 05/25/2019
Yes, Ransomware Funds Terrorism and Might Get You Indicted - 05/21/2019
Is Connecticut Being Underrated in State Rankings? - 05/14/2019
Sounding the Cybersecurity Alarm in Connecticut - 05/13/2019
FBI Described Aggressive Ransomware puts Baltimore in Stone Age - 05/11/2019
Norwalk, Connecticut School Account Hacked - 05/08/2019
How to Prevent Corporate E-Mail Being Hacked Like China Did to Hillary Clinton - 05/08/2019
Office 365 Account Takeover Hits 29% of Companies - 05/03/2019
The Latest in Business Continuity News - 05/03/2019
After the Hack; A Tale of Two Companies - 05/02/2019
Every Company can Learn From Governor Ned Lamont's Connecticut Digital Transformation - 04/24/2019
FINRA Reminds Broker-Dealers of Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery - 04/23/2019
FBI Crime Report Shows NY, NJ and CT are Big Financial Targets - 04/23/2019
HIPAA Compliance, APIs Continue to Fuel Growth - 04/22/2019
Huge New Cybersecurity Risks Emerge Says FireEye and JP Morgan - 04/17/2019
Top 12 Cybersecurity Stories: APT32, LockerGoga, NSO Group and Child Porn Framing - 03/31/2019
Anyone Can Be Spear-Phished Thanks to Latest Billion E-Mail Leak - 03/29/2019
APT32 Stole 3.1M Toyota Customer Records, Are You Safe? - 03/29/2019
How to Protect from Scary New LockerGoga Ransomware - 03/29/2019
How to Protect from Scary New LockerGoga New Ransomware - 03/28/2019
DHS: US Business Not Prepared for Current Cyber Attacks - 03/22/2019
New York State Government Boosts Cybersecurity - 03/18/2019
Phishing Was Likely Responsible For this $20M Bank Heist - 03/15/2019
5 Cybersecurity Stats Every Business Should Know - 03/03/2019
UCONN Health Hacked as Medical Centers Suffer Attacks - 02/25/2019
Prepare Your Business for the Next Bomb Cyclone - 02/25/2019
Historic 911 Call Center Outage Could Happen to Any Business - 02/19/2019
US is the Largest Hacker Target - 02/19/2019
US Businesses Face the Worst Cybersecurity Threat Situation Ever - 02/19/2019
Cybersecurity Incidents Skyrocket in Education - 02/19/2019
Government Shutdown May Increase Spear Phishing Attacks - 02/14/2019
Business Continuity Threats: Mother Nature and Mother Russia - 02/12/2019
Protect Your Company From The Next Polar Vortex - 02/11/2019
Bangladesh Wants its Stolen $81M Back from North Korea - 02/08/2019
Top 6 Reasons to Quickly Migrate from Windows 7 and Server 2008 - 02/08/2019
Millions in GDPR Fines and Investigations are Just the Beginning - 02/06/2019
Keep Your Business Running in the Next Polar Vortex - 02/02/2019
Cyberattack! E-Mails Down at 4,100 Employee Nyrstar - 01/23/2019
Corporate IoT Breaches Are Invisible to Half! - 01/23/2019
Cyberattack! E-Mails Down at 4,100 Employee Nyrstar - 01/23/2019
Insider Threats are Very Real. Just Ask the Baltimore Mayor - 01/22/2019
UK Hit With 10 Million Cyberattacks Per Month! - 01/21/2019
Russia: The Business Disruption You Didn't see Coming - 01/18/2019
31% of Companies to Spend more on Business Continuity in 2019 - 01/18/2019
Cyber World War 3: The Business Disruption You Didn't see Coming - 01/17/2019
31% to Spend more on Business Continuity in 2019 - 01/17/2019
21M Passwords Leaked in Collection 1 to Wreak Corporate Cybersecurity Havoc - 01/17/2019
Climate Risk to Your Business Has Grown, Are You Ready? - 01/17/2019
6 Business Continuity Threats in 2019 - 01/17/2019
This Week's East Coast Earthquake is a Business Continuity Wake-Up Call - 01/17/2019
6 Business Continuity Threats in 2019 - 01/16/2019
The East Coast Just Had an Earthquake. Your Business Ready for a Bigger One? - 01/16/2019
Shutdown Increases Cybersecurity Risk, Consultants can Help - 01/14/2019
Zurich, Modelez NotPetya Lawsuit May Increase Business Cyber Risk - 01/11/2019
What's Big This Year in Telecom? Vote Now! - 01/10/2019
Employers Watch Out, Recruitment May Die. Amazon is Coming to Town… - 01/07/2019
New Scam Hits Small Business in Connecticut - 01/04/2019
Your Company Faces Record Cyber Risk in 2019 - 12/14/2018
Could iOS 12 Be Responsible for Stock Losses? - 12/06/2018
Fairfield, Greenwich, Westport, Most Business-Friendly Connecticut Cities - 11/26/2018
CloudHealth Technologies and the Future of Cloud Services Management - 11/05/2018
Dispersive Networks Hopes to Be the Future of Secure Networking - 11/01/2018
Cockroach Labs Launches Managed CockroachDB: The Geo-Distributed Database as a Service - 11/01/2018
The Latest Apex Cybersecurity Webinar - 10/08/2018
Apex Tapped as Cybersecurity Expert in TV News Story About Police Ransomware - 07/12/2018
More Intelligence About The New Intelligence - 07/09/2018
Comcast Xfinity Just Had a Major Outage; How to Prepare for The Next One - 06/29/2018
Look at Cybersecurity as an Investment in Profit, not an Expense - 06/21/2018
Legal Costs May Soon be the Biggest Cybersecurity Breach Expense - 06/10/2018
Connecticut Cybersecurity Plan: Is Your Business Ready? - 06/04/2018
System Maintenance Errors: A Far Too Common Cybersecurity Hole - 05/31/2018
FBI, DHS Warn US Business about North Korean Hacking - 05/29/2018
NASA Cybersecurity Nightmare: What Every Business Can Learn - 05/24/2018
Business: Ignore Internal Cybersecurity at Your Peril - 05/18/2018
NY and CT Business Could be Hurt as White House Eliminates Cybersecurity Role - 05/17/2018
How Can IoT Can Help Your Company - 05/15/2018
Government Issues Another Crucial Ransomware Warning - 04/09/2018