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January 23, 2024

How is Spam Testing Crucial to Your Email Marketing's Success?

When you are designing campaigns for email marketing, it is important to consider engagement. The subscribers on your email marketing list always want to receive emails with creative and relevant content. High engagement with your audiences, like reasonable open rates and low spam complaints show Gmail and Yahoo that you are a trusted sender.

But there are factors that will compel inbox providers to mark your email as spam in the customer’s inbox. When this happens, the overall success of your email marketing campaigns gets severely affected. Outlined are the reasons why you should always opt for an email spam test for the success of email marketing campaigns.

What are Spam Tests for Emails?

Different inbox service providers use other methods to prevent unwanted mail from reaching the recipient’s inbox. Moreover, they also use spam filters to ensure that the user doesn’t have any complaints regarding spam emails. Note that this spam filter checks numerous items associated with your message to make sure it meets a minimum threshold.

If your content fails to meet the necessary requirements, the filter will flag your message. Moreover, it will move your message to the spam folder or block you from sending emails in the future. A spam test for emails conducts an analysis similar to the process followed by the filter.

It will tell you clearly the results of the test. Do you know that Gmail filters more than 10 million spam emails in their users’ inboxes every minute? If you want to be successful in email marketing, it is necessary to spam test your emails.

What are the Reasons to Spam Test Your Emails?

Every time you send a promotional message to the recipient’s email inbox, it influences your reputation. Moreover, the action of the recipient and the email provider determines the success of your email deliverability. So, if you continue to send promotional emails that are constantly filtered as spam, your reputation will suffer.

That’s why modern-day marketers always keep track of how spammy their campaign content is. Always remember that it takes a lot of genuine effort and resources to develop a list of active subscribers. Without spam testing your email, you are letting all these resources go in vain.

The Features of an Email Spam Testing Solution

It is important to know about the features of an email spam testing solution before using it. Any good quality email spam testing solution has features like:

  • Spam Core

You will get a reliable spam core to know where your messages stand in terms of spam content.

  • Inbox Placement by the Provider

You can find out where you land in the inboxes of major email providers like Gmail, Yahoo, and Outlook.

  • Checking for Blocklists

The email spam testing solution analyzes if you have been blacklisted by the email provider.

  • HTML Checker

The spam tester checks the HTML tags of your email and recommends suggestions.

Modern inbox providers are implementing newer ways to detect and prevent spam from reaching their users’ inboxes. As a marketer, you should adjust accordingly. With the best email spam testing solution, you can ensure the success of your email marketing campaigns.

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