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June 29, 2021

5 Reasons To Consider An Entry System For Your Business

In the modern business world, new technologies are constantly introduced for both compliance and security. When it comes to real estate, particularly the secure entry points of an office or commercial building, the innovations are no different. With new needs for keyless entry, visitor access, and security for the entire proximity of a commercial structure, many vendors have stepped up to offer state-of-the-art entry system options across a wide range of industries.

If you're a business owner or the manager of a commercial building or office building, it may be a good time to consider an access control system for the safety of your tenants and visitors. Here, we will look at 5 important reasons why you should consider a modern entry system for your business - and which is the best keyless entry system for your needs.

1. Total Perimeter Security

As any installer will tell you, the most important benefit of a keyless entry system integrated into your business' routine protocol is the guaranteed security of your building's entire perimeter. With a modern door entry system in place, both a traditional keypad and fob may be used to gain access to the front door, as well as remote options and wireless capabilities.

With an effective door entry system installed, only those personnel with known credentials may enter the building, lessening the chances of intruder access. For high security, a keyless entry system has quickly become the modern industry standard.

2. Total Perimeter Safety Regulations

When a keyless lock is installed for your building's front door accessibility, you have a virtual key system for total control of your staff's safety. For example, if an emergency situation, such as a fire or gas leak, is reported, your security staff can use a state-of-the-art intercom unit with Bluetooth technology to empty the perimeter of all tenants.

They can also keep everyone in communication and ensure that no one re-enters the danger zone. In addition, how much time it takes to clear the building is immediately lessened, guaranteeing a safe evacuation in a swift and accurate manner.

3. Internal Employee Compliance

The remote access features of a modern door buzzer entry system can also greatly benefit your company's employee compliance standards. In addition to monitoring for smoking and vaping on the premises, the permission required to grant access only to known personnel can cut down on unsanctioned guests and waste downtime throughout the workday.

As a key fob is often used for specific areas of a building through the entry system itself, you can monitor your team members' respective timesheets in accordance with their building access.

4. Anti-Theft Measures

As mentioned, having an electronic door entry system with electronic door locks is a sure-fire way to prevent theft of your business' equipment and assets. Aside from the virtual key and intercom systems, a good entry system will also have a video surveillance unit for proper monitoring, allowing complete visuals of your office doors and individual door entry. If you value your company's assets, an electronic door entry system is one of the best anti-theft measures you can take.

5. Ongoing Visitor Log

Depending upon the nature of your industry, you more than likely have a fair amount of visitors. In any commercial building, vendors, customers, and needed support staff come in and out of your front door every day. Likewise, apartment buildings have a high volume of guests and visitors on a daily basis.

As allowing complete access control to third-party employees, such as cleaning crews and delivery personnel, can compromise overall safety, the best keyless entry system also doubles as a virtual visitor log. If compliance and visitor access are major concerns, integrating a keyless entry system can benefit your workflow and tenant safety more efficiently than any previous options.

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