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November 27, 2018

Technological Changes in the Factory Equipment Market

Factories and the manufacturing industry have undergone a variety of changes in the last few decades. With advances in technology, companies have begun to embrace more modern methods of production which has led to a significant difference in what kind of factory equipment people are looking for nowadays.  For instance, you might find the machinery you need from A & A machinery, at a fraction of the cost, and it’s because they know how to create factory equipment at a lower cost.

The Top Technological Changes Seen Today

Apart from the regular arsenal of traditional machines, factories now have advanced technological equipment. There have been major digital changes in the factory equipment market that you need to know about.

1. Invention of 3D Printing

While this technology has not ripened to its full potential yet, factories are beginning to understand how convenient this piece of equipment can be. 3D printing revolutionized the industry at a time when it needed a boost. This technology lets manufacturers more easily create designs. They can then produce the components directly. Not only is the resulting equipment precise, but also will save you a lot of money. 3D printers allow production on a mass scale which also saves time in the long run.

This process is also called additive manufacturing, and it involves a certain computer technology that allows the recreation of solid objects using virtual designs. A 3D printer helps to generate prototypes, manufacture items and reduce the hassle of production. 3D Printing has definitely made a huge difference in the factory equipment market.

2. Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been wiggling its way into all walks of life, so why should the factory equipment market be an exception?   AI is an asset to the manufacturing industry. Companies are discovering the many ways in which AI can be useful during the production process. Not only can such a system automate all the tasks, but they can also train your existing equipment to perform more efficiently. It can change configurations for maximum output. If you want a highly productive factory, invest in machines that are compatible with AI. The costs of building an AI system are falling, which makes it an even better option right now.

3. Smart Manufacturing

As the name suggests, factories are going smart just like everything else on the face of the Earth during this period of digital revolution. If you want your factory to be among the best, consider investing in equipment that will come together to create a smart manufacturing plant. If your machines are able to communicate with each other via the Internet, they will be able to give you even better results than they do now. Moreover, the system will reduce errors and downtime while lowering production costs.

It sounds too good to be true, but scientists are working hard to make the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) reach new heights every day. There is a lot of advanced software available on the market which, in combination with low-cost sensors, will allow you to design a smart manufacturing unit. All you need to do is ensure connectivity. The factory market has been welcoming to smart manufacturing technologies, and one can only go up from here.

IIoT also facilitates the collection and processing of data. You will no longer need to worry about your equipment because the system will manage and maintain them. It also makes tracking inventory easier.

4. Popularity of Automation

It was unthinkable, even a decade back, that robots would be able to handle the functioning of an entire industry. However, it seems like that is exactly what we are heading towards. Companies have been using industrial robots for years now, but automation is progressing every day. More and more people are beginning to comprehend the advantages offered by robots. Robotics in the factory market has become a common field of study. When you are shopping for equipment, consider building your army of robots as well.

Gone are the times when robots were unreliable entities who could not get work done by themselves. Today's robots are designed to be more sophisticated and efficient. They can pick up skills much faster, and can therefore perform complicated tasks with ease. Automation has triggered the slow transition from human labor to machine labor in the industry.

Robotics has come a long way and the ongoing research lets manufacturers strive towards flawless precision, high productivity and impeccable safety standards. The only problem with the rise of automation is the negative effect it has on the generation of new jobs.

Updating your factory equipment regularly is one of the greatest services that you can do for your company and your consumers.

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