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November 09, 2012

e-Readers Not as Useful as Anticipated?

By Brittany Walters-Bearden, TMCnet Contributor

Although many people find their e-readers to be an invaluable part of their lives, a new survey from reveals that there are even more people who find their e-readers to be a less-than-valuable part of their lives.

In a survey of 1,983 American consumers, found that 35 percent of e-reader devices have only used their device once and another 37 percent admitted that their e-reader purchase was not a “smart buy.” Twenty-nine percent of those surveyed said they had plans to sell their device, as they used it so infrequently.

Why are these consumers getting an e-reader and then not using it? An overwhelming 57 percent said that they simply did not have the time to use it, 22 percent received their e-reader as a gift and did not have a real need for it, and somewhat surprisingly, 25 percent said they still preferred reading hard copies of books.

This survey may help those who are planning their holiday gift giving to select items that the recipients may find more useful. It also offers some encouragement to book sellers, who have been suffering since the dawn of e-reader devices. 

Last year, the Kindle Fire was all the talk of the holiday season, making the top of everyone’s gift list. This survey reveals that such a purchase may not be the smartest buy, unless the recipient has expressed a specific desire for an e-reader. For less money, holiday shoppers can purchase a book that they know that the recipient will like, rather than purchasing an e-reader that may wind up gathering dust.

Despite the number of consumers who have found that their e-readers are useless, 17 percent responded that they use their device at least once a week and 19 percent responded that they use their device on a daily basis.

Edited by Braden Becker
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