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December 08, 2011

Facebook Makes a Comeback at Timelines.Com

By Miguel Leiva-Gomez, TMCnet Contributor

Social media giant Facebook (News - Alert) was faced with a lawsuit as soon as it announced a feature called “Timelines“ in its platform. The new interface re-vamps how a profile will look and allows you to tell a story of your life in chronological order. The lawsuit was on behalf of a company in Chicago that runs the website “Timelines.Com.”

Coincidentally, the Chicago firm also runs a website that allows you to tell a story, but not one about yourself. Timelines.Com is a website that lets you post historical pictures and add them to a timeline. The website has pictures of Abraham Lincoln, Adolf Hitler and many other historical figures that have changed the course of our world for better or worse.

Timelines.Com claims that if Facebook continues to call its new interface “Timelines,” the website’s brand will become more insignificant and consumers will be confused as to the identity of the two products. Timelines.Com would eventually fade out. The companies decided to accept a delay until January before the trial may continue.

Instead of behaving like a nice boy, Facebook decided to play it rough and countered the lawsuit on Tuesday, demanding that Timelines.Com’s trademark rights be removed, as the word “Timelines” is too generic. Generic words such as “fast” and “hungry” are very difficult to trademark and often have a low priority in the government’s eyes to uphold as trademarked entities. Words like “Facebook” and “Twitter (News - Alert)” are very simple to trademark, however, and hold utmost priority. The courts call the latter group of words “fanciful” trademarks.

The move made by Facebook is rather interesting, considering that it has tried many times to stop other companies from using “face” or “book” in their names. One such company is called “Lamebook,” which displays several comical Facebook status updates in its site.

Miguel Leiva-Gomez is a professional writer with experience in computer sciences, technology, and gadgets. He has written for multiple technology and travel outlets and owns his own tech blog called The Tech Guy, where he writes educational, informative, and sometimes comedic articles for an audience that is less versed in technology.

Edited by Jennifer Russell
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