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October 31, 2023

7 Ideas to Better Promote Your Webinar

Webinars are a great way to connect with customer leads, businesses, brands, and niche experts in your field. As a webinar host or an aspiring one, you can showcase your expertise and also build brand awareness. But all is not as sweet as it sounds, because the challenge for webinar hosts is actually getting people to sign up.

If you're planning a webinar but are running low on signups and nothing is moving, you've come to the right place. In this quick read, we've compiled ten effective ideas for promoting your webinars. Not only are these ideas creative, but they are also practical and have worked in real life.

1.Do Keyword Research for the Topic

Keyword research is part of the greater process of SEO optimization. Most people assume that keyword research is only essential for blog and website content. However, keyword research is also important for webinar optimization. The process should begin by creating a customer persona to better understand your audience. Your audience has specific wants or needs, and your webinar is aiming at solving some of these pain points. Therefore, you need to anticipate what your audience might search for on Google (News - Alert) and other search engines and how to effectively rope them in through keywords.

Effective keyword research also helps your webinar rank higher in search engine results. Therefore, you need to integrate keyword optimization in your webinar titles, descriptions, headers, and more with the terms your audience uses. Tools like Surfer's Content Planner, SEMrush, Ahrefs, Google Adwords Keyword Planner, and Ubersuggest can help with this task. You can also use expert writers and marketers at companies like to better fine-tune your SEO techniques.

2.Create an Amazing Landing Page

First impressions always matter when it comes to marketing, and this is also crucial in promoting your webinar. Your landing page should be designed with your audience in mind. Keep in mind that once someone clicks on a link to your webinar, they will end up on the landing page.

Remember to use a concise and standout headline, and provide a description of the purpose of the webinar. You should also have a list of your speakers, and the date/time of the webinar. You can also include your webinar sign-up form as part of the landing page, or you can create a separate landing page for the sign-up.

3.Set Up an Automated Email Campaign

Email drips, also called automated emails, are a handy marketing tool, particularly if your business is based on the sales or marketing funnel. What this means is that you want to rope in your audience little by little until they commit to your webinar. Emai drips are one of the best ways to do this. 

By sending timed, personalized emails to subscribers, you can keep your audience engaged and informed. Consider sending a webinar invitation, a second welcome email with high-value content, and reminder emails. You can also use post-click tracking to re-engage registrants who didn't attend.

4.Ask Your Speakers to Promote the Webinar

Guest speakers are a great way to improve your networks and connections, and also to build social proof for your webinar. With their networks plus yours, you can build an even wider and more targeted audience.

Depending on your agreement with them, your guests can also help to promote any related material such as blog posts, social media posts, and videos leading up to the event.

5.Adopt a Content Marketing Approach

Typically, your webinar will be related to particular content that is your niche. Marketing your webinar doesn’t need to start and end at the webinar. Rather, your webinar content will typically come from other content that you have already produced, like pillar pages, blog posts, and monthly content calendars.

Therefore, as you promote your webinar, typically you should promote the other content first to gain traction for your webinar. This will also help you to test which content will be more attractive to your audience. For example, if you’ve written blog posts and pillar posts about the topic and it is successful, then you can repurpose the content into a webinar.

6.Use Social Media to Your Advantage

Social media platforms are just an obvious option for promoting your webinar. Build a buzz around your upcoming webinar by creating engaging posts using the right keywords and hashtags. Always post at increasing frequency in the days and weeks leading up to the webinar.

Send reminders and use the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) to your advantage, by providing limited-time offers, discounts, and other content that will get some steam you're your campaign. Adjust your content schedule to remind your audience of the upcoming webinar. If you have influencers within your social community who you know or who interact with your content, you can also partner with them in a mutually beneficial way. For example, they can have a small percentage of any webinar-related merch you sell, or even a percentage cut of the webinar sign-up fee if any.

7.Offer Incentives for Referrals

Referrals are another form of social proof that can help boost your webinar attendance. People tend to trust recommendations from their network, resulting in a 30% higher conversion rate compared to other channels.

You can encourage referrals by offering incentives like a free e-book, product discounts, or exclusive access to limited-time content. Collaboration with other content creators by promoting their content on your blog or website can also lead to increased referrals.


These seven strategies might not be the entire toolkit for webinar promotion, but they certainly point you in the direction of best practices. Each of these ideas is a practical step that if done effectively can greatly improve your numbers.

Don't forget to adapt these strategies to your specific audience and objectives, and always view your webinar as part of a greater content marketing strategy. Now, you’re equipped to start promoting your webinars in the right way.

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