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February 06, 2023

What Can We Expect From ChatBots in 2023?

The technology behind artificial intelligence has come on leaps and bounds over recent years. Whether you’re interested in AI writing technology, more realistic gaming or automated responses to questions asked on a website you’ll have noticed improvements over recent years. The most recent shift in artificial technology has been around chatbots, where people have noticed a massive improvement in the experience they can give. In fact, you can barely visit your LinkedIn (News - Alert) newsfeed without seeing how one industry or another has started to make use of it.

Why is it Suddenly So Popular?

AI chatbot technology might not be something that is brand new, but it is something that is being talked about more than ever. There are several reasons behind this, but the fact that it has shifted so much to be able to give more accurate answers than ever definitely helps.

There are several types of chatbot technology out there and they all operate in different ways, but it is ChatGPT that has most recently hit the headlines. If you visit any business forum or social networking website you’ll find people talking about ChatGPT and how they might be able to use it for their particular business or niche.

Of course, as with any AI technology, there are various opinions as to whether this is something that we should be making use of – after all, what is going to happen to the humans that usually answer customer queries if it is suddenly taken over by a robot?

That isn’t something that Microsoft seems worried about, as it is said that they are currently in talks to invest $10 billion into ChatGPT – which by any stretch of the imagination is a significant investment into the company.

What Industries are Expected to Make Use of this AI Technology?

As you might imagine, this type of technology could prove massively useful for several industries – and many are already taking advantage of it. For example, if you have bots answering basic customer queries then you never have to worry about staff shortages or wage bills to make this happen, so for a business it makes sense to invest in this type of technology.


Over recent years the education industry has taken a bit of a shift, with more people open to remote learning. Before 2020 education was seen in a much stricter light – with the need to attend classroom training and complete work within set hours. However, with Zoom technology on the increase, many people are now much more familiar with remote learning and being able to learn at a pace that suits them. Chatbot technology can be a great help to those that choose to participate in this type of learning – because they can ask questions about their learning at any time of day and know that they are going to get an almost instant response.


The gambling industry is another that is already benefitting from the use of AI chatbots to provide a better experience for customers. You can view PayPal casinos here, some of which are already using this technology. The gambling industry is one where customers want peace of mind that they are able to ask questions from customer service representatives and get an immediate response – after all, sometimes placing a bet can be really time sensitive. AI chatbot technology means that customers can get an instant response, giving them confidence in using that particular betting platform to make their move.


You might assume that chatbot technology is all about customer service and therefore unless customers have questions to ask about SEO this technology won’t be called for. However, that is not the case. Shifts in AI technology means that ChatGPT and other chatbots are able to put together things like content plans and blog posts, which is another thing ticked off the list that SEO experts no longer have to worry about.


It stands to reason that technology is going to take advantage of chatbots, after all this is a pretty significant and exciting change in technology. Chatbots are able to discuss a range of topics as well as answer customer questions, so taking advantage of this just makes sense.

What Does the Future Look Like for AI Chatbot Technology?

Without a doubt, over the next couple of years, we’ll see the AI industry continue to grow in terms of both popularity and revenue. The technology behind this is only likely to improve and as businesses start to see these improvements the uptake of them is likely to be even more popular.

Of course, as with any technological advancement like this, there are going to be people that have their concerns. Content writers and customer service representatives may be concerned that their jobs are going to be redundant and that robots will take over.

However, the truth is that the way AI technology is there will always be a need for human involvement – for example, if a customer can’t get an answer from the AI technology then the option to be sent to a human should always exist. Basic articles may be written by AI technology, but they are going to be unable to relay the emotion behind any articles or to write newsworthy pieces.

The truth is that we don’t know exactly what the future looks like for AI chatbot technology, but we do know it is something that has people excited. With plenty of people talking about it and businesses interested in seeing what it may be able to help them with, it is something that is unlikely to disappear anytime soon.

If Microsoft (News - Alert) do go ahead and make their investment then this could change this too. This would give the development teams at ChatGPT some significant funds to further develop the technology. Where this will lead remains to be seen, but it seems relatively certain that chatbot technology and in particular ChatGPT are not going to be going anywhere for the foreseeable future – and most people are very happy that is the case.

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