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October 19, 2022

Computer Recycling Shares The Best Practices For Safely Recycling Consumer Electronics

Did you know that according to electronic recycling experts like Computer Recycling in Union, NJ, Americans throw away more than $60 million worth of consumer electronics each year? That's a lot of electronic waste! This post will discuss some of the best practices for safely recycling your old consumer electronics. We will also discuss the benefits of recycling electronics and why it is well worth a small amount of effort.

When Choosing A Recycler, Always Do Your Research

A spokesperson from Computer Recycling suggests performing your due diligence when it comes to finding an experienced recycler. A few of the things to consider: experience, word of mouth, and licensing.

Once you've found a certified recycling center, you can arrange to have your e-waste picked up or drop it off there. If you find one that has over two decades of experience and the highly regarded Class D license like Computer Recycling, you’ll know you’ve found a credible facility that knows what they’re doing. After the drop-off or pickup is complete, the recycling center will handle the rest!

Remove All Data From Your Electronics Before Recycling Them

Before you recycle your electronics, make sure the e-waste recycling company you partner with offers secure data destruction. Personal information (photos, documents, or financial information) could be accessed by bad actors if your items are handled by a facility that doesn’t destroy it.

An experienced firm like Computer Recycling offers the assurance that your information will never end up in the wrong hands: this is accomplished through the use of either a US Department of Defense standard wipe or physical destruction of every hard drive that enters their recycling area.

Spread The Word About Recycling Consumer Electronics

There are many good reasons for recycling old electronics. For one, it helps to conserve resources. Manufacturing new electronics requires a lot of energy and raw materials. Recycling old electronics can help reduce the demand for new products and preserve our natural resources. An additional benefit is reducing the cost to assemble these new items, which stabilizes device costs for the customer.

Computer Recycling’s spokesperson stresses the importance of electronics recycling, stating that it helps to keep dangerous chemicals and toxins out of the planet’s atmosphere. Many electronic devices contain harmful substances like lead, mercury, and cadmium. If these products end up in landfills, they can leach into the ground and contaminate our soil and water supplies, which can lead to countless health problems affecting the digestive & nervous systems for humans & wildlife alike.

For all these reasons, spreading the word about recycling consumer electronics is essential. By working together, we can help to make a difference for our environment and our future.

Will More Electronics Become Recyclable In The Future?

The recycling industry is constantly evolving, and more electronics are becoming recyclable every year. In the past, many electronics were considered "non-recyclable" due to their complex components and materials. However, technological advances have made recycling even the most complex electronics possible. This is encouraging news as not only are we making strides toward improving our planet – we are making electronics more accessible & affordable for all of us!

Final Thoughts

Recycling consumer electronics is a useful action that you can feel good about participating in. Make sure to recycle responsibly by working with a responsible & experienced computer recycling company like Computer Recycling. And don't forget to spread the word about the benefits of recycling! By working together, we can make a difference for our planet and our future.

Computer Recycling in Union, NJ has over two decades of experience in e-waste recycling & can assist you with all of your electronics disposal & data destruction needs. For more information, call (877) 752-5455 or visit them online.

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