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December 18, 2018

Freelancer Success for the Call Center Agent

Freelancing has fast become one of the most desired jobs due to its flexibility. Being able to work your own hours and structuring your day around deadlines gives workers free reign over their lives and essentially become their own bosses. This is one of the many perks of being a freelancer, however there are also disadvantages such as inability to keep up with deadlines, freelancers can easily be distracted and at times, the money isn’t as good as the previous months as freelancers don’t usually receive a set income. So if you are thinking about taking on the role of a freelancer or you currently are, being a call Center agent might be just the thing for you to progress and use your time wisely. Follow freelancer success tips to add value to your job and increase your income each month.

Earning Extra Income

Whether you are currently a freelancer working at a call Center or you are a freelance call Center agent, you should have time to explore other avenues which will bring in extra cash. Usually, call Centers are busy and agents are always on calls, but the quiet hours or even a small lunch break provides an opportunity for agents to get in some extra cash. How do you do this you ask? Well here are some tips to broaden your career opportunities and even help you further yourself within your current position.

Online Gambling

Online casino games are more lucrative than what one might imagine and some casino games don’t even require any knowledge. For example, playing roulette only requires you to place a bet on odds, evens, colours or numbers. It’s as simple as that and the rewards can be impressive.


During the quiet moments at work or on lunch breaks, studying can improve your current position as students are given an opportunity to apply for a higher position within the company as they have more knowledge of what is required.

Mining Bitcoin

Bitcoin is as popular as ever and even the volatile nature of the cryptocurrency isn’t strong enough to scare miners away. By investing your call Center income into Bitcoin, you are able to make a profit with very little effort.

As you can see, the opportunities are endless when you are a freelancer, and if you aren’t one then perhaps working towards that will be just what you need to discover your dream job.

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