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EDITORIAL: Amend Utah's gun laws [Standard-Examiner, Ogden, Utah]
[October 20, 2014]

EDITORIAL: Amend Utah's gun laws [Standard-Examiner, Ogden, Utah]

(Standard-Examiner (Ogden, UT) Via Acquire Media NewsEdge) Oct. 17--The threats against fem­i­nist speaker Anita Sar­kee­sian and her de­ci­sion to can­cel a speech at Utah State Univer­sity be­cause state law pre­vents the uni­ver­sity from tak­ing mea­sures that Sar­kee­sian felt were needed for her se­cu­rity should lead the Leg­is­la­ture to amend a por­tion of Utah's gun laws.

What's needed is for the Leg­is­la­ture to amend the law so that some pub­lic or­ga­ni­za­tions, such as a uni­ver­sity, can have the same op­tion as other en­ti­ties, such as churches or pri­vate lo­ca­tions, to de­ter­mine how to pro­tect at­tend­ees at spe­cific events. With such a law, the uni­ver­sity could have posted a no­tice pro­hib­it­ing fire­arms for the speech. Hav­ing this op­tion, which of course would be used spar­ingly, could have al­lowed Sar­kee­sian to feel she could both speak at USU and be pro­tected to a de­gree she felt com­fort­able.

USU could not meet the speaker's re­quest that fire­arms not be al­lowed at the speech be­cause, as USU stated, "... in ac­cor­dance with the state of Utah law re­gard­ing the car­ry­ing of fire­arms, if a per­son has a valid con­cealed fire­arm per­mit and is car­ry­ing a weapon, they are per­mit­ted to have it at the venue." Will leg­is­la­tors amend the law to al­low greater se­cu­rity in spe­cific cases? Frankly, prob­a­bly not; but they should. The threat that Sar­kee­sian re­ceived prom­ised "the dead­li­est school shoot­ing in Amer­ican his­tory." The anon­y­mous email threat claimed to be from a stu­dent.

What oc­curred last week un­der­scores a re­ac­tion to calls from Sar­kee­sian and oth­ers to have the video gam­ing in­dus­try show more re­spect to­ward women and tone down much of the mi­sog­y­nis­tic vi­o­lence that oc­curs in games. The term "Gamer­gate" has arisen as a small group of op­po­nents have used ex­treme tac­tics, in­clud­ing threats, against Sar­kee­sian and oth­ers. Some pop­u­lar games, such as Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty, are frankly alarm­ing in their vi­o­lence and mi­sog­yny. While the vast ma­jor­ity of game play­ers are not in­clined to sim­u­late what goes on in these video games, we would not be sur­prised at all if the per­son send­ing the threat­en­ing email turns out to be an overly en­thu­si­as­tic fan of Grand Theft Auto, for in­stance.

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