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Generating Combinatorial Test Suite with Solution Space Tree for Configurations Testing of Sensors Networks [Sensors & Transducers (Canada)]
[April 22, 2014]

Generating Combinatorial Test Suite with Solution Space Tree for Configurations Testing of Sensors Networks [Sensors & Transducers (Canada)]

(Sensors & Transducers (Canada) Via Acquire Media NewsEdge) Abstract: There are many results about generating pair-wise covering arrays with strength t=2 have been reported, but fewer results are published for high-strength covering arrays with a higher-strength t>2. In configuration testing of sensor networks, high-strength covering array is required to construct combinatorial test cases. To generate combinatorial test suite with higher-strength, a backtracking algorithms, which is based on solution space tree, is proposed in this paper by extending an existing pair-wise combinatorial test suite generation algorithm. In solution space tree model, each test case is represented as a path from the root to a leaf node in the tree. And proposed algorithm generates test cases one by one, by backtracking depth-first searching in the solution space tree. Finally, to assess the efficiency of proposed algorithm, computational comparison with other published methods is reported. Copyright © 2013 IFSA.

Keywords: Combinatorial testing, Test generation, Solution space tree, Configuration testing, Censor network.

(ProQuest: ... denotes formulae omitted.) 1. Introduction Sensor networks have been widely used in real life. A complex sensor network may be affected by many parameters or factors, such as configurations, internal events, external inputs etc, where each parameter may have numerous available options. For a sensor network with complex configuration space, a simple and intuitive configuration testing approach is named as Each Choice, which requires each option of each configuration parameter to be included in at least one test case [10]. However, it is reported from numerous case studies that many faults may be involved in the combinations of options from different parameters [8]. This phenomenon shows us that, rather than the single parameter or factor, the interaction of multiple configuration parameters may also affect the work of sensor networks.

When testing interactions in configuration space, combinatorial testing is considered as a practical technique, since it uses a small test suite that cover all needed parametric values and their combinations, to detect the faults triggered by these single parameters and even the interactions of them. E.g., for a configuration space that has n parameters, it may be unacceptable to cover all the «-tuple combinations of parametric options or values, since the combinatorial explosion. Meanwhile, combinatorial testing could provide a tradeoff between the cost of testing and the degree of combinatorial interaction coverage. E.g., pair-wise combinatorial testing requires covering all the 2-tuple combinations of parametric values rather than the «-tuples.

For instance, considering the configuration space of an imaginary sensor network, in which there are totally 4 configuration parameters, including sensor nodes, connection, operation system, and database. Each configuration parameter has 3 available options (see Table 1). Exhaustive testing, which covers all the possible 4-tuple combinations, requires 34=81 test cases. Meanwhile, the pair-wise combinatorial testing requires only 9 test cases to cover all possible pairs of parametric values, which are shown Table 2.

Because of the power of combinatorial testing, many results about generating combinatorial test suites have been reported in past years. Most of them focus on the generation of pair-wise combinatorial test suites (or combinatorial test suites with strength 2), but fewer results are published for high-strength combinatorial test suites. It means that the problem of generating high-strength combinatorial test suite is still not well solved today. Therefore, in order to generate high-strength combinatorial test suite, a backtracking algorithms, which is based on solution space tree, is proposed in this paper by extending an existing pair-wise combinatorial test suite generation algorithm. In solution space tree model, each test case is represented as a path from the root to a leaf node in the tree. And proposed algorithm generates test cases one by one, by backtracking depth-first searching in the solution space tree. We have implemented this algorithm as a tool, and the result shows that it has some good properties and merits, and it can be a complement of the existed methods and tools.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: section 2 describes the definitions about combinatorial testing. In section 3, we describe the model of solution space tree, propose backtracking algorithm for generating high-strength combinatorial test suite, and discuss some properties. Section 4 reviews related works. Section 5 compares proposed algorithm with some existed algorithms and tools. Finally, conclusion remarks are given in section 6.

2. Definitions Combinatorial test suite is designed based on the covering array, which is special kind of mathematical structure. Considering a configuration space that has n configuration parameters ci, C2,..., c". We suppose each configuration parameter c, has ai discrete values ft has ai parametric values (z=l, 2, ..., n). Without loss of generality, we use C={ci, C2,..., c"} to denote the set of these n parameters, and 7}={1, 2,..., ai} to denote the set of valid values for the parameter ci (i= 1, 2, ..., n). Here we can define a=maxi<,*<"{«,}. If the cardinalities of all these value sets are equivalent (a=a\=a2=.. .=an), we say it is a configuration space with fixed-level factors, and these parameters could be also denoted as C={an}. Otherwise, we say it is a configuration space with mixed-level factors.

Definition 1. A «-tuple (v/, V2,..., v") (vi^7\, V2e72,..., vn^Tn) is a test case or test data for the given configuration space.

Definition 2. Let t\ and fe are test cases for a configuration space, if there are b same values in the b same positions of the two «-tuples, we call that the overlap degree of the two test data is b.

For example, (2,1,3,2,1,3) and (3,1,2,2,1,1) are two test cases and their overlap degree is 3. If the overlap degree of the two test cases has the property that b>2, there are at least one value combination of corresponding b parameters is covered by the both two test cases. None of the combinations is covered by both the test data when b< 1.

For the fixed-level systems, we have orthogonal array and fixed-level covering array.

Definition 3. A r-way orthogonal array OAx(m; t, «, a) is an m*n array on totally a symbols with the property that each «z><t sub-array contains all ordered subsets from a symbols of size t exactly X times.

Definition 4. A r-way fixed-level covering array (or called fixed-level covering array with strength t) CA(m; t, «, a) is an m*n array on totally a symbols with the property that each m*T sub-array contains all ordered subsets from a symbols of size t at least once.

Similarly, for the fixed-level systems, we have mixed-level covering array.

Definition 5. A r-way mixed-level covering array (or called mixed-level covering array with strength t) CA (m\ t, («i, «2, a")) is an m*n array on totally a symbols, the y-th column contains only the elements from the set 7} of size aj (1 </<«), and each «z><t subarray contains all x-tuple combinations of values from the t columns at least once.

Definition 6. A r-way fixed-level or mixed-level covering array is a smallest r-way fixed-level or mixed-level covering array, if the number of rows is as small as possible.

Both r-way fixed-level covering array and r-way mixed-level covering array could be called as r-way covering array. A r-way combinatorial test suite could be obtained easily from a r-way covering array, where each row of covering array is a test case of combinatorial test suite. Therefore, we assume that the terms "combinatorial test suite" and "covering array" are equivalent in this paper.

We can conclude from above definitions that an orthogonal array with X=l is a kind of fixed-level covering array, the reverse is not right. The size of mixed-level covering array is usually smaller than the size of orthogonal array with X>1 [2], E.g., for 100 parameters with two values each, a 2-way orthogonal array requires 128 tests with X,=32, while 10 test cases are sufficient to cover all pairs in a 2-way covering array. In software testing or configuration testing, it is only necessary to cover the combinations of parameter values once and not necessary to cover them with the same number of times. So covering array, which can improve the efficiency and decrease the cost of testing with the smaller test suite, is much more practical than orthogonal array.

3. Algorithm We used to proposed a backtracking algorithm, which is based on solution space tree, for generating pair-wise combinatorial test suite previously [9]. In the following section, we will extend that algorithm for high-strength combinatorial test generation, and improve the process of backtracking search for the efficiency of test generation.

3.1. Solution Space Tree Model For a configuration space which has n parameters and each parameter ci has ai values where we can let a\>a2>...>an without loss of generality, each test case can be represented as a path from the root to a leaf node in the tree. All the usable test case forms a tree as follows: The root of the tree has a\ child branches which represent ai values of parameter ci respectively; each root in the second level of the tree has a2 child branches which represent «2 values of parameter C2 respectively; ...; each root in the n-th level of the tree has a" child branches which represent an values of parameter cn respectively. For example, when n=3 and a\=ü2=ay=3, all the usable test case forms a solution space tree as Fig. 1.

Combinatorial test suite generation is to find out a subset of paths from the solution space tree. For example, the 9 paths: 1-1-1, 1-2-2, 1-3-3, 2-1-2, 2-23, 2-3-1, 3-1-3, 3-2-1 and 3-3-2 form a test suite with 9 test cases: {(1,1,1), (1,2,2), (1,3,3), (2,1,2), (2,2,3), (2,3,1), (3,1,3), (3,2,1), (3,3,2)}, which satisfies the requirement of pair-wise covering array and is the smallest pair-wise covering array.

3.2. Backtracking Algorithm to Generate High-strength Combinatorial Test Cases The backtracking algorithm for generating highstrength combinatorial test cases in solution space tree consists of four steps: Step 1 : Assign some seed test cases into a test set TS. The seed test case could be: the ones that are taken care of by testers; the ones that are assumed to be failure-trigger test cases; the ones that generated by other testing techniques; etc. If people don't assign any seed test cases, then TS= 0 .

Step 2: Backtracking search using the depth-first strategy in the solution space tree to select test cases one by one until the searching process is end. The selected test cases, whose overlap degree with all the existing test cases in the set TS is no more than x-1, will be put into TS. The detail procedure can be found in Algorithm 1 and 2. At the beginning of test generation, procedure BackTrack (1) should be called.

Step 3: Check whether all the test cases in the set TS could cover all the required x-tuple combinations of parametric values in configuration space. If it is true, then algorithm ends; else, we list all the x-tuple combinations of parametric values that have not been covered by test cases in TS. It will take running time of 0(/z2) to do this step.

Step 4: Construct test cases with one-test-at-a-time algorithm to cover left x-tuple combinations. The process of one-test-at-a-time strategy is described in Algorithm 3. The concrete algorithms based on that strategy include AETG [3], Density Algorithm [11], TCG [12], etc. All these concrete algorithm could be adopted in this step.


We analyze the time complexity of proposed algorithm. The number of candidate paths in solution space tree is III<i<nai<an When check overlap degree for a given path, at most n nodes should be checked. And for each node, values of correspond parameters in at most aT test cases should be compared. Therefore, the worst time complexity of generating a x-way combinatorial test suite is O(n><an+T). In practical, the time performance is much better than the worst value, since the number of nodes that should be checked is much smaller.

3.3. An Improved Searching Algorithm The time performance of backtracking algorithm could be improved again. It can be concluded that, after the procedure BackTrack(zz) is called and a test case is selected, the BackTrack(zz-l) will be called to search in another path. But the BackTrack(zz-l) can not find any test cases, because the overlap between current path and the last selected test case is /z-l>x-l. So after finding a test case, we should call BackTrack(x) instead of BackTrack(zz-l). The improved algorithm named BackTrackE is described in Algorithm 4.


It is clear that, the worst time complexity of the procedure BackTrackE is equal to that of procedure BackTrack. But in actual, the former is efficient than the latter, since it check less nodes in solution space tree.

3.4. Properties of Algorithm In the algorithm model there is a one-to-one correspondence between all the paths in the solution space tree and all the usable test data for SUT. The test data generation for pair-wise testing is to search a subset of paths from the solution space tree. The algorithm has the following properties: Proposition 1 The heuristic algorithm base on the solution space tree model can generate test suite for pair-wise testing on the basis of an assigned test data set by the testers. Such that the generated test suite not only satisfy the intention of testers, but also satisfy the requirement of pair-wise testing.

Proposition 2 For a configuration space, assume TS= 0 , if a\=ü2=.. .=an=a=p (or pm), n<p+1 (or pm+1), where p is a prime, then the test suit generated by Algorithm 1 and 4 is orthogonal array OAj(az; t, n, a) with X=l.

Proof: By the construction theory of orthogonal array [1], when a\=a2=...=an=a (a=p or a=pm), n<p+l(pm+l), where p is a prime, there exists an orthogonal array. It is a az*n matrix and every row of it is a test data, so the overlap degree between any two of the test data in covering array is no more than t-1, otherwise, there must exists two test data, the overlap degree is equal to t or more, then the two test data cover a x-tuple combination twice. Since there are az distinct x-tuple combination between any t parameters, there should be also at least az test data to cover them. So there must exist a pair uncovered by the test suite generated from orthogonal array.

Corresponding to the solution space tree, there exist r2 paths that their overlap degree to each other is no more than 1. Algorithm 1 is used to search all the paths with the overlap degree of no more than 1 to each other. So the test suite generated by algorithm 1 is an orthogonal array OA\{cT; t, n, a).

4. Related Works Since we like to minimize the testing cost as much as possible, we are interested in generating the least test suite for pair-wise testing, known as the smallest pair-wise covering array. However, the problem of finding the smallest pair-wise covering array is NP-complete. There are two main pragmatic approaches towards the problem. One is the algebraic approach. Various algebraic have been proposed for finding the smallest pair-wise covering array.

The original approach is to use orthogonal arrays [1], but orthogonal arrays have a balance requirement that every pair is covered the same number of times, and this requirement make it impractical for software testing. A. W. Williams presented a construction method based on some basic blocks, and developed a new, fast, deterministic algorithm for achieving pairwise interaction coverage [6]. Noritaka Kobayashi et al. also propose a new algebraic construction and give an upper bound on the size of test set generated. The results show that the proposed construction can generate very small 2-factor covering designs [5]. Although these algebraic constructions are very effective when all parameters have the same number of values, they cannot well deal with the case where parameters have different numbers of values.

Another approach is to use the heuristics method. D. M. Cohen et al. proposed a heuristic search-based approach, which has been implemented as a test generation system, called AETG [3]. TCG [12] and DDA [11] are similar to the AETG. K. C. Tai and Y. Lei proposed a new test generation strategy, called in-parameter-order (or IPO), for pair-wise testing, and they have also implemented it as a tool, called PairTest [4]. Generally test sets generated by these approaches tend to be larger than those generated by the algebraic methods, and they cannot guarantee bounds on the size of resulting test sets.

And besides the algebraic methods and heuristics methods, another types of methods are meta-heuristic algorithms, including generic algorithm, simulated annealing, ant colony algorithm, etc [14]. These algorithms could generate small combinatorial test suites, but require massive execution time.

5. Experimental Results To assess the efficiency of proposed algorithms, we compare them to some existed algorithms and tools. In experiment, we compare proposed algorithm to some other algorithms and tools, including DDA [11], TCG [12], GREEDY [7], TVG [16], PICT [13], AETG [3], GA [14], ACA [14], GA-N [15], IPO [4], and Jenny [17]. Note that our proposed algorithms BackTrack and BackTrackE will output the same covering array, so we only illustrate one result for each input (see "SST" in Table 3).

As displayed in such a table, we find out ACA and GA generates the smallest test suite for almost all inputs. The reason is that ACA and GA are both meta-heuristic algorithms. By ignoring the data about ACA and GA, both SST and GREEDY generate the smallest test suites for 4 of all 8 inputs. Therefore, it could be concluded from experimental result that, the test suites generated by our proposed algorithms are much smaller than that generated by most heuristic algorithms, hough their performances are worse than that of ACA and GA that belongs to meta-heuristic.

6. Conclusions Exhaustive testing is impractical and impossible since the combinatorial explosion of configuration space of high-configuration systems, e.g. sensor networks. So it is a key issue to select the minimal test suite for the effective configuration testing. The reduced test suite with good quality can improve the efficiency and decrease the cost. In this paper, we proposed two extending algorithm, which is based on the model of solution space tree, to generating highstrength combinatorial test suite for configuration testing. These algorithms can generate good covering array as the approximation of the least high-strength covering array. The better approximation still needs the further research on the better algorithm.

There have been many results on combinatorial testing, but some problems are still necessary to be studied in the future. For example, new test generation techniques are required. Corresponding techniques for test prioritization, value constraint, fault location, and regression testing are also very necessary to be studied.

Acknowledgements The works described in this paper were supported by the National NSF of China (61003020, 61300054); NSF of Jiangsu Province (BK2011190, BK20130879); NSF for College «fe University in Jiangsu Province (13KJB520018); Foundation of NJUPT (NY212023); Open Foundation of Guangxi Key Lab of Trustworthy Software (KX201328).

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