Subject:::VoLTE Expected to Grow at Gargantuan Rate - Communications Solutions
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Dozens of IoT inventions are being launched and built every week on Collaborizm, a rapidly growing, global online community of engineers, developers and creatives who help each other make and connect things.
The networking world is all about data and the communications space is no exception. Voice and messaging are increasingly becoming IP-based applications and services, essentially making them just another type of data traversing increasingly crowded networks.
Global research repository has added a new report to its ranks that analyzes the voice-over-LTE (VoLTE) market. This report shows that the VoLTE market could grow as much as 50.1 percent between 2015 and 2022.
Communications solutions have been becoming increasingly unified, particularly as the age of mobility and apps and services becomes predominant. So it makes sense that while voice and messaging aren't going to go away any time soon, they're going to be handled differently in the Fourth Wave of Mobile Communications.
About three years ago, Verizon shocked the world when it announced it was acquiring Hughes telematics for $612 million.
It's become crystal clear to most everyone who cares to look by now that the LTE and 5G markets-though technically there isn't even a 5G market yet, as it won't be commercially released for another three years or so-are incredibly popular, and most of the problems in the market are directly tied into the supply side rather than demand. With that in mind, a recent new study from Future Market Insights shows off where this market is going.

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