Karl Dahlin drives sales and business development for iRobot's commercial products division, developing and implementing strategies to grow the market and leading sales of video collaboration robots. In this role, Karl works closely with partners like Cisco Systems to help industry leading companies transform their business by leveraging technology to enable new ways of working in the modern enterprise. To help iRobot and its customers succeed, Karl draws from 25 years of senior leadership experience with global technology companies including Ericsson, Polycom and Hewlett-Packard.
Tags: irobot
Rich Tehrani, TMC’s CEO and Group Editor-in-Chief, speaks with Denis Karpeles, Sr. Vice President of Sales & Marketing for Moneual and learns about the company’s suite of consumer electronics products.
Rich Tehrani, TMC’s CEO and Group Editor-in-Chief, speaks with Maryam Gueramian, Marketing Manager for ECOVACS and checks out the company’s window washing robot which uses a suction motor to stay attached while it cleans.
Rich Tehrani, TMC’s CEO and Group Editor-in-Chief, speaks with Trang Pham, International PR Manager for TOSY Robotics and sees the company’s very popular robotic solutions which mix music and dancing into a seamless experience which drove large crowds wild.
TMC's Rich Tehrani wraps up CES 2013 with the top highlights from this years consumer show.
For many in the northern United States, Memorial Day marks the ceremonial opening of the swimming pool. That means it’s time to start the yearly rites of summer: adding skimming, filtering, testing and adding chlorine. Oh, yeah, and swimming, diving and relaxing, too! These days, there are high-tech answers to every pool problem, from cleaning, to water treatment, from lighting, to pool safety to how to listen to your favorite tunes when you’re relaxing on your brand new raft. Here, then, are five great gadgets you need to have the perfect pool experience this summer.
For many in the northern United States, Memorial Day marks the ceremonial opening of the swimming pool. That means it’s time to start the yearly rites of summer: adding skimming, filtering, testing and adding chlorine. Oh, yeah, and swimming, diving and relaxing, too! These days, there are high-tech answers to every pool problem, from cleaning, to water treatment, from lighting, to pool safety to how to listen to your favorite tunes when you’re relaxing on your brand new raft. Here, then, are five great gadgets you need to have the perfect pool experience this summer.
Polycom, HDConnect Project Target Washington Leaders...
iRobot Announces New Education Initiative Called SPARK...
InContact Announces Healthcare Customer Expansion...