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August 11, 2015

Webinar - Saving Space without Reducing Performance in Telecom Rooms

Given all of the attention paid to innovative services, apps, APIs, SKDs, etc. sometimes we forget that infrastructure is important. And, even when talk of infrastructure does make the headlines these days it typically is about such things as software-defined networking (SDN), network functions virtualization (NFV) and really anything that has to do with infrastructure virtualization as the world moves toward one that is much more software-centric.

However, that last part of the trend puzzle is the rub. The headlines would lead one to believe that we are in the midst of a revolution when it comes to all things relating to both public and private network infrastructure. Realities are that despite the hype and what should be an uptake in network transformations at the compute, storage and even data center networking levels, there remains the real plumbing challenges. In the data center this plumbing increasingly is moving to enriched fiber diets for connectivity. On premises where things are connected to end points such as phone systems and wireless LANs, good old fashion wire is still in the telecom room, the risers and is used for the last few feet and inches. 

This raises the question, is there money to be saved from sacrificing performance through an upgrade of the wired infrastructure? The simple answer is yes.  And, before looking into why, it should be noted that copper wire as a connectivity medium is not going away any time soon. Plus, in an interesting irony given the concentration on the mobile enterprise on and off premise, if you think about it, most enterprises are wiring for wireless.

At a high level, specifically looking at the telecom room which still houses what many advocate as a functional, upgradeable digital state-of-the-art communications system, there remains an opportunity to create more space and save money without sacrificing performance using an advanced copper wiring solution. 

In fact, this will be the subject of an insightful webinar, Applications for 28AWG Twisted Pair Cabling, to be held Tuesday, August 18, 2015 02:00 PM EDT / 11:00 AM PDT.   You are invited to join me and Thomas Baum, Sr. Product Manager, Panduit as we delve into:

  • Space-saving advantages of using 28 AWG cabling
  • How 28 AWG cabling impacts typical rack layouts
  • What are ideal applications for 28 AWG cabling

As all of us know intuitively as home owners, plumbing is important. In fact, we also know that when our infrastructure wears out or is not up to code it is time for an upgrade.  28 AWG is just this type of upgrade and is certainly worth understanding if the telecom room is part of your domain of responsibility. 

Edited by Dominick Sorrentino