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July 01, 2013

Webinar - Enhancing Customer Engagement via Mobile

There are several immutable trends in enterprises today. Not the least of these is, what I have described on numerous occasions, that we have entered “The Age of Acceleration”—where the only constants are change and speed at which it is increasing. In this “new normal,” where the unpredictable is the only thing that can be reliably predicted, finding the best ways to improve the way businesses interact with customers has become a top priority. Indeed, no matter the size of your organization, a big concern is how to better engage your customers. This goes for existing ones as well as those you are trying to turn into brand loyalists.

We all are aware of the role social media is playing in transforming the way we interact in our personal lives and its increased use as a vital tool by businesses to better engage their customers and prospects. It is not just about social. Engagement is also about optimizing the experiences people have when they interact with you based on their communications capabilities of preference. Increasingly, and another one of those immutable trends, is that the devices of preference are mobile. 

This shift in the platforms individuals use for interaction, when coupled with social media and the advent of more prevalent use of location-based services and presence as provided by IP networks of all types including wireless ones, is having profound impacts on enterprise IT. The reason is that accommodation of mobile is more than just creating a channel. It also impacts your backend, business processes and workflows.

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Leveraging all mobile has to offer

Studies show that mobile expansion is a high-to-critical priority for the majority of today’s leading organizations. In fact, many such enterprises are already leveraging cross–channel communications such as SMS, MMS, push notifications, e-mail and voice to better engage with their customers throughout the entire customer lifecycle — pre- and post-acquisition. However, even those that have implemented cross-channel capabilities are not getting the most out of them, while those that have not or are just getting started do not have a mobile strategy in place to maximize their opportunities.

If you are struggling with how to really take advantage of what mobile has to offer, the webinar, “How Enterprises are Improving Customer Engagement via the Mobile Channel,” to be held on July 24, 2013 at 2:00 p.m. EDT is something to consider. 

I will be joined by Steve French, global vice president of Product Management and Marketing, OpenMarket (News - Alert) and Sheryl Kingstone, director Yankee Group,to review how enterprises are integrating mobile into their business processes and systems to improve the customer experience and differentiate from competitors.

The event is designed to demonstrate how enterprises can use mobile engagement to differentiate their products and services, improve the client experience, lower customer service costs, and improve operational efficiency. Topics to be discussed include:

  • Trends driving mobile engagement
  • How mobile is creating new opportunities within the enterprise
  • Challenges of going mobile
  • Enterprise mobile engagement strategies
  • Case studies of real world examples
  • How to get started

If added mobility is on your “to do list,” and it should be, understanding the best practices for creating and executing a mobile strategy that provides the results that these challenging times demand is a great reference point. 

You know from your own experience how convenient it is to interact using your mobile device. You also know how interactions with an entity that has not thought through how best to accommodate your interactions can dissuade you not just from an immediate purchase but actually make you seek answers from another source. This does not have to be the case and based on market fickleness, there is more than a bit of urgency in getting a mobile strategy in place that optimizes your efforts.

Edited by Rachel Ramsey