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May 15, 2024

How To Choose The Best Student Laptop

For students today, buying a decent laptop to see them through their studies is definitely an investment. It’s one that you don’t want to “skimp out” on because of the impact it can have on your studies. That’s why we suggest that you carefully weigh up your laptop options so that you find one that’ll not only perform well but also last.

This article will cover key factors to consider when choosing a laptop for students.

Good questions to ask before buying a student laptop

Before we dive into the specifications to consider, it would be helpful to ask yourself a few questions first. These questions are there to help you narrow down exactly what you’re looking for. Ask:

  • What subject are you taking, and do they require specific hardware or software?
  • What field are you majoring in?
  • Do you need any additional features?
  • Do you need a laptop that can handle content creation?
  • How much travelling will you be doing?

What should you consider when buying a student laptop?

Now, with those questions in mind, let’s take a look at some things you need to consider when choosing laptops for students.


The first thing you should look at is performance. You need a laptop that can perform all basic tasks effortlessly. This would be an i5 up, at least. While i3s are capable, they’re not as future-proof as i5s or i7s, so you’re making a better investment and looking for a laptop with a higher processor. RAM (News - Alert), Storage, CPU, and GPU are also things you need to consider. Try to get a laptop with 8GB of RAM or more and, ideally, a Solid State Drive over an HDD.

For students who just need a laptop for browsing, research and assignments, you don’t need to go overboard and get the best specs. But getting a laptop with above-average performance is suggested. 

2.Build Design and Quality

As a student, you’re going to be moving around a lot, so you need a laptop that’s light and portable. There’s no point in carrying around a 17” Alienware laptop that is insanely heavy because of its hardware. You need something compact, sturdy, and still powerful enough to manage what you throw at it. One good example of a compact laptop is the Macbook Air M series.

Screen Size

Screen size also plays a significant role in choosing a laptop. For example, a student doing coding or design might need a laptop that offers more screen real estate. This means that they would need at least a 15”-17” laptop. However, those who are just taking notes and doing assignments would be better off using a laptop with a 13” screen. It’s lighter, more compact and big enough.

Battery Life

Battery life is one of the most important factors to consider. You don’t want to be halfway through a lecture or assignment and suddenly, your laptop dies. Luckily, laptop brands and manufacturers are producing laptops that have fantastic battery life, and this isn’t just your premium laptops. On average, your standard laptops should have between 10 to 14 hours of battery life. If you can find a laptop that gives you more, then that's great.


In today’s web-orientated world, connectivity is a must. Most laptops will come standard with wifi connectivity. However, for some, wifi isn’t stable enough for what their subjects require. So, you might want to check what connectivity options you need. For instance, do you need an ethernet connection? Some laptops come standard with USB-C ports that require you to use an adaptor with several ports on it. This is a convenient way of adding the necessary ports to your laptop if needed.


Finally, graphics. While not everyone needs the best graphics, you’ll certainly appreciate them. Better graphics also contribute to better performance. For students who rely heavily on their laptops for design or content creation, having decent graphics will improve their efficiency and quality as they work. Having higher graphics isn’t necessary, but it is a bonus if you can get it.

Final Thoughts

Buying the right laptop can help you through your student years and well into your career. This involves getting a laptop that is future-proof, has good build quality, and is capable of handling the task you require it to. We hope this guide has helped you choose the best student laptop for you. Enjoy!

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