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MarketsandMarkets™ Announces Featured Speakers for its 3rd Global Customer Summit US in California
[April 15, 2019]

MarketsandMarkets™ Announces Featured Speakers for its 3rd Global Customer Summit US in California

MarketsandMarkets™ invites clients to hear from high-caliber executives on topics affecting every industry and participate in interactive discussions regarding emerging technologies 

CHICAGO, April 15, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- MarketsandMarkets™, the world's largest revenue impact research and advisory firm focused on high-growth niche markets, today announced its slate of featured speakers for its 3rd Global Customer Summit in the heart of Silicon Valley at the headquarters of our esteemed knowledge partner, SRI International on May 2-3, 2019. Top executives from every major industry will be in attendance to share best practices and discover areas of opportunities within connected and converging markets.


To be held at SRI International, Menlo Park, California, the summit will feature two types of presentations: TED-talk style short presentations by clients - called 'ConnecTED Sessions' - about emerging trends and their experiences in anticipating disruptions and revenue opportunities; and panel discussions with interactive audience participation.

"We are excited to announce our 3rd Global Customer Summit US line-up of speakers from Foxconn, IBM, CISCO, HPE, BHGE, SRI International, and Hitachi Vantara," said Vijay Khera, Global Head of Client Services at MarketsandMarkets™. "These speakers represent many of the companies that are leading the way in connected and converging markets, and their valuable insights will help our clients be better prepared to take on the practical and strategic challenges in leveraging new, high-growth market opportunities."

Featured peakers for ConnecTED sessions will include: 

  • Dr. Bill Mitchell, VP Business Operations North America, Foxconn & CEO, Aguila (a Foxconn Company)
  • Ronald C. Dombroski, Vice President, Market Development, Cognitive Solutions, IBM
  • Manish Kothari, President, SRI International
  • Jennifer Schulze, Head of Product and Revenue Marketing, GE Digital
  • Munish Khetrapal, Managing Director, Smart Cities and IoT, Cisco
  • Satish Iyer, Vice President Products, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
  • Bill Schmarzo, CTO, IoT and Analytics, Hitachi Vantara

Interactive panel discussion about emerging technologies around the world will address the following major topics and themes:  

  • Validating Investment Decisions in Connected Markets Amid Disruptions from Outside Industries
  • Building and Leveraging Ecosystems to Adjust to Dynamic Market Changes. Can This Best be Done Internally or Through Leveraged Partnerships?
  • The Curse of Information Overload and the Journey Towards Single Source of Truth
  • The Journey from Strategy Design to Strategy Delivery - How to Transform Strategies into Real Revenue Impact

"Our Customer Summit in California will bring together our North American clients and provide a great opportunity to learn from each other about different approaches to long-term growth opportunities," said Shelly Singh, Chief Operating Officer at MarketsandMarkets™. "With such a stellar group of featured speakers and a number of insightful panel discussions, our customer summit will provide a head start on opportunities emerging in 2019 and into the next decade."

Attendance at MarketsandMarkets' 3rd Global Customer Summit US is by invitation only.

For more information or to request an invitation, contact [email protected] or visit

About MarketsandMarkets™  

MarketsandMarkets™ is the world's largest revenue impact research and advisory firm helping more than 80 percent of Fortune 2000 companies identify new high-growth and niche revenue opportunities. In the face of constant technology innovation and market disruption, MarketsandMarkets™ helps organizations plan and operationalize their future revenue mix decisions by identifying over 30,000 high-growth opportunities ranging from $1B to $500B across over 90 industries and markets. Organizations choose MarketsandMarkets™ to stay ahead of the curve and accelerate their revenue decisions and implementations by 6 - 12 months, giving them a unique first-mover innovation advantage. Its revenue impact methodology provides actionable and quantifiable insights on converged, granular and connected market eco-systems that result from disruptive technologies and high-growth markets. MarketsandMarkets™ provides an extended lens on not only what will impact its client's revenue but also what will impact their customers' revenues, continually uncovering latent opportunities. Serving C-level executives in functions such as strategy, marketing, sales, R&D, product, and M&A across all major B2B industries, MarketsandMarkets™ brings exclusive high-growth markets intelligence generated by over 850 SMEs and analysts along with its proprietary revenue impact platform, Knowledge Store, to support decision making.

Vijay Khera
MarketsandMarkets™ INC.
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