Apply Today for CUSTOMER Magazine's 15th Annual...

Contact Center Technology Awards

The idea of ever-improving customer care isn’t only in the hands of the agent – it is also a function of the tools those agents are provided to achieve their objectives and ensure every customer ends an interaction patently pleased. 

CUSTOMER magazine’s 15th Annual Contact Center Technology Award recognizes the hardware, software, and applications that have converted technology into a key tool for delivering customer service excellence.

Earning a Contact Center Technology Award instantly distinguishes your success as an innovator, thought leader, and market mover in the customer experience industry.

This is a product-level award, so multiple applications for each of your worthy solutions are permitted.

Exclusive Award Winning Benefits:

Apply early and save $100.

Early Bird Deadline: Friday, May 29, 2020 - $699 processing fee
Final Deadline: Tuesday, June 16, 2020 - $799 processing fee


Please answer the following questions in a Word document, and attach the document on page 2 of your online submission:

Questions? Please contact